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13Screening for Disorders of Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism Using HPLC-Electrospray Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Laboratory Guide to the Methods in Biochemical Genetics A Korean Case of ??-Ureidopropionase Deficiency Presenting with Intractable Seizure, Global Developmental Delay, and Microcephaly, JIMD Reports, Volume 19 Homology and Mutagenesis Studies of Hamster Dihydroorotase, Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man VIII Simple Method for the Quantitative Analysis of Dihydropyrimidines and N-Carbamyl-??-Amino Acids in Urine, Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man VII Beta-ureidopropionase, Enzyme Handbook 4 Clinical, biochemical and molecular analysis of 13 Japanese patients with ??-ureidopropionase deficiency demonstrates high prevalence of the c.977G A (p.R326Q) mutation, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease Detection of ??-ureidopropionase deficiency with HPLCu2013electrospray tandem mass spectrometry and confirmation of the defect at the enzyme level, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease Solid-Phase Catalytic Hydrogenation of Uracil with Tritium: Synthesis of Tritium-Labeled ??-Alanine, Radiochemistry Dihydropyrimidinase deficiency: Confirmation of the enzyme defect in dihydropyrimidinuria, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 1H NMR spectroscopy of body fluids in patients with inborn errors of purine and pyrimidine metabolism, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease